Elementary Education Resources

On-line Field Trip links

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Online Field Trips
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Do you like on-line field trips (eTrips)? Here are some nice sites for exploring:


Homeworkspot fieldtrip

Tramline Virtual Field Trips

Take a field trip with NOVA

Field Trip to Alaska

Florida, Hawaii, Ellis Island, and more...

Investigate Yellowstone National Park

An Array of eTrips

Links to eTrips

Assorted eTrips

Virtual Field Trips for Children from 5 to 105-links to many sites


Around the World on Virtual Field Trips

Mueseums, Zoos, Art Galleries, and more...

PBS eTrips

Colonial Williamsburg

Geology eTrips and other Geology links

Earth Science Field Trips

Field Trips in Cyberspace

Electronic Field Trips from the Discovery Center

Glacier National Park

Visit a garden in Michigan courtesy of Michigan's 4-H group

K-6 Virtual Tours

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